SuperStep is a Move-to-earn DAPP empowered by Game-fi mechanism which actualizes the monetization of fitness in an ethical and productive way. The goal of SuperStep is to foster a vibrant community and help shape a better world.
Why is SuperStep better
SuperStep is a fork of the trending M2E projects that comes with revolutionary improvement on their playstyles, features, accessibility as well as earning potential.
Fully Accessible
When it comes to accessibility, SuperStep has NO bar of entry. Our counterparts still mandate limited access to registrations. SuperStep is not a cool-kids club, you don’t need an activation code to get into the game.
Never buy anything before giving it a try. To start you up, SuperStep offers a generous airdrop that includes our native token $SGMT as well as a NFT sneaker.
Without making any prior investment, you get to become a runner for wealth as well as a stakeholder of an ascending project.
Vanguard Upgrade
If the earning rate is not up to your satisfaction, you can upgrade your airdrop sneaker’s rarity from common to legendary by using our vanguard upgrade. The upgrade consumes 0.1BNB and each user only has one chance.
Idle Mode (upcoming)
When you are working at the office or sleeping, you can also generate a small amount of $SGST depending on the number of sneakers that you have.
SuperStep will prioritize the release of Idle Mode before the running mode is fully functional, so you can get an early taste of the earning stream.
If You Burn, We Burn With You!
The token burning at SuperStep is simple, we set the amount of burned token in a negative correlation with the total mileage. When you are burning energy to earn, we are burning tokens to suppress inflation.
Good project
Mobil uygulamanın henüz olmaması ve stepn aynısı olması en büyük soru işareti superstepn hakkında herhangi bir duyuru topluluk birliği yok